A-Frame's link with HTMLMesh
Three.js's HTMLMesh cannot wrap text, so it is difficult to handle existing websites.
Implement text wrapping by vincentfretin · Pull Request #11 · AdaRoseCannon/aframe-htmlmesh
HTMLMesh: added textNode wrapping by jrjdavidson · Pull Request #24781 · mrdoob/three.js
ONLY the Oculus Browser on Quest can keep VR mode in navigation.
link – A-Frame
PICO Browser | PICO Developer
Table of Contents
1. 午後の授業
2. 活版所
3. 家
4. ケンタウル祭の夜
5. 天気輪の柱
6. 銀河ステーション
7. 北十字とプリオシン海岸
8. 鳥を捕る人
9. ジョバンニの切符